Audio Books

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Bill’s Audio Books
[A’holes I Have Known Audio Book] == [Get A Life Audio Book] == [Don’t Say Can’t Audio Book} == [Way Outback Audio Book] == [Jochen Rindt World Champion F1 Driver Audio Book] == [Two Centuries of Telecommunications in My Lifetime Audio Book]== [Bill’s Tome Audio Book]

Craigs Audio Books
[Here, There and Everywhere Audio Book] == [The End of the Line Audio Book] == [Dropped Out In Godzone Audio Book] == [Handbook For Survival In The Ninties and Especially The New Millennium Audio Book]

Creative Kiwis, an Amazing Journey into the Future

An audio book, “Creative Kiwis, an Amazing Journey into the Future”, this book is about the journey of two people in the world of the Internet and Ebook and Book Publishing and Marketing. A massive journey and learning process.

click on this link for Creative Kiwis Audio Book Preview

This audio book has information about the authors and about our Books, Ebooks and Audio Books.

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Creative Kiwis Ebook

By Bill Rosoman Dip CS

An Audio book, “Bill’s Tome”, All That I Know about Life, the Universe, Mortality etc! My thoughts and remarks as regard the World and Humanity.

Two Centuries of Telecommunications in My Lifetime Audio Book

By Bill Rosoman Dip CS

Two Centuries of Telecommunications in My Lifetime, is the summary of all the telecommunication changes in my short 64 year life, it is amazing how far we have come in the last 50 odd years.

Telecommunication, Phones, Smart Phones, Telex

A’holes That I’ve Known Audio Book

By Bill Rosoman Dip CS

A collection of some of the A’holes I have meet in my life. Life is not always a bed of roses and you have to deal with some not so nice people. Still life is great and you move through life and it’s ups and downs. Being confident, articulate and assertive is the way to go, no door mouse for me. LOL


Jochen Rindt World Champion F1 Driver Audio Book

By Bill Rosoman Dip CS

Jochen Rindt, was a Super F1 driver. IMHO Jochen Rindt is the best F1 Driver of all times He Died and was awarded the F1 Trophy posthumously. Motor Racing in the 1960s and 1970s was an exciting time and the sport was much different than it is today. Jochen Rindt for me was the pinnacle of a super sportsman and a great person, who lived in times that were much simpler.

By Bill Rosoman Dip CS

Use this link for the ebook version of this book Jochen Rindt World Champion F1 Driver EBook

Get A Life Audio Book

This audio book “Get a Life (The Dummies Guide To Life)”, grew out of my brushes with life and my life long study of and fascination with human nature. I also had a bout of cancer in 2006. I find it interesting how people react to big events like finding out you have cancer.

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Click on this link for the ebook version of this book Get A Life

Don’t Say Can’t Audio Book

Don’t Say Can’t, an Audio book about the bad habit of people saying can’t, and how we should live in a “Can’t Free Zone”. Do you continue to bang your head against a brick wall and continually meet the same obstacles of life or do you stop saying can’t and branch out in a new and positive direction in your life.

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Click on this link for the ebook version of this book
Don’t Say Can’t

Handbook For Survival In The Ninties and Especially The New Millennium Audio Book

by craig lock

A collection of writings (in point form) on various subjects to help the every man or woman survive in a rapidly changing, uncertain world after the easy living and prosperity of the seventies and eighties, (especially for me living in South Africa under apartheid).

“I find the concepts in this book useful in my own life.”
– Birgitta (Minerva Press UK)

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Here, There and Everywhere

by craig lock

Craig Lock is an extensive world traveller and failed professional emigrater who has spent most of his life’s savings on airfares. He is still sliding dow


n the razor blade of life, stuck on a deserted (other than a few brilliant rugby players) island at the bottom of the world near Antarctica, where he is trying to throw a double six to get off and go out into the real world, but he doesn’t know where!
In the style of Bill Bryson, HERE, THERE AND EVERYWHERE tells tales of his hilarious hair-raising adventures in his younger years through Grate Britain

and the Continent.



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Dropped Out in Godzone

by Ray and Gill Carruthers (originally published in 1994)

… and LOVING it even more.

A South African’s and “exile Kiwi’s” light-hearted look at life in laid-back, provincial New Zealand. Eventually life in “Sleepy Hollow” became so quiet that we decided to write a book about it… although there were one or two adventures from time to time.
A new immigrant family’s vDropped Our in Gozone

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The End of the Line Audio Book

by Craig Lock

A true story of “the bad old days”… but with the fresh hope of the new.

My next goal is to attempt to turn this e-book into an audiobook. Watch this space!
“Life is one long journey of learning, exploring (limits), discovering and dreaming.”
me just wrote that 11th October 2018

A story based on fact in the dark days of grand apartheid, but with the rich promise and hope that a new South Africa can bring.

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Way Outback Audio Book

By Bill Rosoman



Way Outback is a practical guide to going bush way out back in the 21

st century as a matter of dropping out financially for self-sufficiency, survival and protection, especially if SHTF. (Sh** Hit The Fan) People do not plan to fail, they just fail to plan.

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