The End of the Line Ebook


”The End Of The Line’ could be described as “faction” – fiction with a serious
factual grounding. It is simple, and therefore moving. It gives yet another highly
individual portrait of that troubled land, and it does so through a believable and
sustained narrative form.

“The past is another country”

A story based on fact in the dark days of grand apartheid, but with the rich promise and hope that a new South Africa can bring.

In THE END OF THE LINE, Craig Lock has created a passionate tale of South Africa, a story of the bad old days, but with the hope of the new. Everything in this book could have happened. Perhaps it did…



”The End Of The Line’ could be described as “faction” – fiction with a serious
factual grounding. It is simple, and therefore moving. It gives yet another highly
individual portrait of that troubled land, and it does so through a believable and
sustained narrative form.

“The past is another country”

A story based on fact in the dark days of grand apartheid, but with the rich promise and hope that a new South Africa can bring.

In THE END OF THE LINE, Craig Lock has created a passionate tale of South Africa, a story of the bad old days, but with the hope of the new. Everything in this book could have happened. Perhaps it did…